Lets focus on ME

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

First Stop: Dakar!

Population 2.6 million. Population in Senegal is 12.9 Million

Dakar is the captital of Senegal.

Languages: French, Wolof, Malinke, Pulaar (Fulfulde), Diola

Currency: West African CFA Franc (1 US$= 450 CFA, 1 Euro= 650 CFA)

No Visa requirement for Canadian's.

Six hour time difference to Calgary +.

Beautiful people.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lucky Girl

I noticed an older very stylish man in the restaurant this morning. White. Speaking fluent French. He was sitting with this beautiful young black women. She could easily of been a model.

I see him again later in the day- speaking Italian. Hmmmm....I'm thinking. I need to find out what is going on.

I ask the front desk who the man is and I'm told that he is in fact from Italy and that he just got married last week in Dakar. He is 52 years old. She is 16 years old. 'They' are going back to Italy today.

'Are you kidding me?' is my response.

'No, this is the truth. She is a very lucky girl. Her parents and family are very happy for her'.

Life just doesn't make sense some days.

Monday, October 17, 2011

What Do You Want From Canada?

'Shoes' he says.

'What?' I say.

'Shoes' he repeats.

This surprized me as I was thinking more in the line of peanut butter or maple syrup.

I drive to the mall and buy a pair of men's shoes (more like walking sandals)in a size 45 (12 or 13).

This conversation happened one day before I left Canada. I called the Hotel to see if they had a pick up service for the Airport.

Adama Dieme the young man at the front desk at Hotel Al Baraka is very happy today.

He put the 'shoes' on right away and posed for a photo.

Flights To Dakar

Calgary to Chicago O'Hare Airport: United Airline 614. Apr 3 hour flight. One hour time difference.

Chicago O'Hare Airport was great! No free WIFI....but great shops/restaurants and busy. I love super busy airports. Someone is always going somewhere. Love it!

Chicago to Washington Dulles Airport: United Airline 910. Apr 1.5 hour flight. One hour time difference.

Washington Dulles Airport was boring. Small. The sections are not together so you need to take a shuttle. I prefer walking around an airport and just getting lost.

Washington to Dakar Senegal. South African Airline 208. Aprx 8 hour flight. Total of 6 hour difference to Calgary time.

I was sitting next to an American Military guy who was with a group going to Dakar for one week. They were being met at the Airport by the Embassey as they were here to train in terroism stuff. I can't even spell the word.

Dakar airport was small and insane. Flight landed before 6 am. Very dark out. I tried to find a buggy for my bags (one huge backpack and one bag filled with stuff for my World Vision trip). Of course- some young boy targets me with his own buggy. I was tired and thought- what the hell....I'll give him a US $1.00 bill for helping me out. Of course he wanted more. Tried to tell me that Banks don't take the $1.00 bill. He was speaking French...but I understood he was trying to scam me. You understand that in any language. $5.00 US. I don't think so.

We made it out of the baggage area and I wanted to go to the Taxi stand. Of course- his 'friend' magically appeared. The 'friend' with a taxi. Yup. I'm smarter than this- but what the hell. A ride is a ride. Or is it? I started to have my doubts when we went outside and I find myself with 3 young guys walking towards the end of the parking lot. A car appears. Yellow. No TAXI sign on it. Great.

One of the guys carrying my bags- wanted money for doing this. No I said. Firmly. He leaves. Then one of the other three disappears. The 'friend' with the 'taxi' is left. He gets into the passenger seat of the car that just appeared. I'm starting to think- this is not good. In the matter of 10 minutes I was in the presence of 5 young black boys. Great. The two that are left don't speak a word of English. They did make it understood that they knew where the Hotel was. We drive. They obviously don't know where they are going. I show them the address. I don't think they can read. They stop at a gas station and I believe they tried to make me pay for gas. I can't understand a word they say. They don't understand a word I'm saying. We leave the gas station with no gas. The gas indicator shows empty. I'm once again thinking not a good sign. I decide to feed the two young boys. Cookies and gum. I think they are happy and will not rob me.

We make it to the Hotel. I give them 5,000 CFA's. They leave my bags on the road.

I'm happy I made it alive and without getting robbed.

Learning of the day: Always carry cookies and gum with you.

Wish I Knew French!

I'm not very good in keeping up my blog when I travel.

I see that my last trip was just left hanging in blog world. Bad me.

Not sure if anyone actually reads my blog. I don't give the address to a lot of folks. Most keep up with my Facebook updates. This is more for me to reflect back on my trips.

Right this moment, I find myself in Hotel Al Baraka, 35 Rue Abdou Karim Bourgi in Dakar Senegal 7:20 pm. I've now been here a little over 12 hours. Most of it was spent 'napping'. 9 hours to be truthful!

The heat and the flight's just knocked me out!

French is the language in this part of the world.

A butchered kind to what we know.

My little dictionary is not going to be very helpful.

I loce this Continent of Africa!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Yummy Cuy!

Guinea Pig meat in Peru.

We killed two at a homestay- can't remember if I blogged about that evening- will need to review this.



Llama Meat Vs Alpaca Meat

Llama meat is awesome!

I prefer this over Alpaca.

Very yummy!

Zones To Live Your Life

Words of Wisdom:

Comfort Zone.

Stretch Zone.

Panic Zone.

Never live your life in your comfort zone.

You should always be in the stretch zone.

Some people are living their lives in the panic zone.

They know who they are.

And so do others who sometimes have to bail them out!


Fear Of Missing Out.

This will always get you into trouble!

Xrated Mugs

Extreme Fun Pub.


Pete's ceramic mug was shaped like a girls bottom- wearing a skirt.

You lift the skirt and there is a vagina you drink from.

Rad's ceramic mug was shaped like a boys bottom- with a big penis.

You drink directly from the penis.

The smart thing about both these mugs is that there was cream sprayed on the drinking holes!!

Very creative and naughty!!

Everyone had a good laugh.

Dusty Bolivia

Six hour bus ride from Uyuni to Potosi on a local bus.

Very dusty.

One stop only at some hell hole of a building.

No toilets........just the bushes.

It all smelled like a toilet.

Good thing it was only a 15 minute stop.

New Tour Buddies


Freddy is our Guide.

Lucy is my roommate. Medical Student. Aussie. Early 20's.
Pete & Rad....mid 20's couple from London.
Mike.....late 20's....London.
Roger & Oliver....mid 20's....Aussie's.

Great group!

Salt and More Salt

Uyani Salt Desert.

12,000 square kilometres.

Strike a pose!


Small Country

Bolivia sure is a small country!

I keep running into people I know.

It's not unusual to hear people yelling BELLA on the street.

They tell me they can't miss me due to my hair.

It's my own personal sign.

One Thousand and Sixty Six Steps

I just remembered climbing 533 ateps at one of the Islands on Lake Titicaca looking for a bag of Dorito's.

One way.

No luck.

Back to the boat....another 533 steps.

All on a stiff right knee.

Yummy Vino

Conchay Toro.



Sauvignon Blanc.

35 Bolivian Soles.

$5.00 USD....750 ml bottle!

I Love South America.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Aymara Language

Titikaka Lake:

1. Good morning................Sumauro
2. Hello................Camisaraki
3. What is your name?....Cuna Sutima
4. My name is.......Sutija
5. Let's go.......Sarjanani
6. Beautiful.......Sumitawua
7. Cold...............Taya
8. Hot...............Juntitua
9. Good bye.............Sarjawa
10. Thank you...........Yuspagara

CaCa Not Caca

Lake Titicaca excursion and homestay.

Floating Uros Island.

Homestay in Llachon community.

Copenhagen......OOPS....I Mean Copacabana

Stop over before heading to La Paz.

Our first stop in Bolivia.

Llama's and More Llama's

Dead one's.

Fetises everywhere.

Witches Market in La Paz Bolivia.

You need to bury one under your house for good luck.

There were also a few other creepy things at the market.

Potions for everything.

Cool place to visit!

La Paz Rocks!

Wow! This city is great!

Loads of shopping and cheap.

Loads of restaurants and bars.

We all got here on Wednesday and it's been go go go since!

Anita has been partying up a storm.

All the single girls have hooked up.

Mongo's is the place to be.

Club 35/36 is the place to not be. Free cocaine to the gringo's. Club moves location every few months so it won't get busted.


Bye Bye Johanna

How cute was Jo?

Such a great tour leader.....very excited about her first trip all the way from her home land to Bolivia!

Everyone loved her.

She also turned into quite the tourist with her camera and all her purchases.

Cute little Johanna!

Bye Bye Old Boys

It was very sad today at lunch saying good bye to everyone.

We've had a few good bye sessions....but this one was the real thing.

Everyone is now with their new groups.

My new group met up last night and also went for dinner two nights in a row already.

More on the new group once I catch up on other posts.

Killer Massage

La Paz.

Negotiated for 50 Bolivian Soles.

Loads of interuptions.

Trainee also in the room practicing on me.

I had to yell out FINITO...NO MORE.

Lesson: Never negotiate a price for a massage.

Not In The Mood

For blogging.

I have a lot to catch up on.

Will try to do better.

Saturday, October 09, 2010


Always walking around with a drink of some kind or food.

Always commenting with the following:

'That's how I roll.....'
'No word of a lie.......'
'That's what I'm talking about.....'
'Want to write that down on your hand......' (always said after our debrief...to record the time we needed to get up in the morning)

Aquas Calientes

This is a small little town that the train takes you to from Ollantaytambo(2 hours).

You then take a 25 minute bus ride to get to Machu Picchu. All trekkers other than the folks on the Inca Trail MUST take the bus to the entrance of Machu Picchu.

Aquas Calientes is full of tourists.

Very expensive place with loads of restaurants, bars,hotels, massage spots, shopping spots and the hot springs.

The Lares trekkers from our group met up with our Intrepid Leader and took the train in the night before us going to Machu Picchu. The reason we stayed overnight is so that we could take the first bus up to Machu Picchu (5 am).

I decided to not take this bus as you had to be up at 4 am to line up for it.....folks on this bus wanted to get their tickets stamped so they could climb Huayna Picchu mountain in Machu Picchu. The first 400 people are allowed to do this (they allow this split between 7 to 8 am time period or 10 to 11 am time period).

To be continued...........

Xrays In Peru

Here I am being very careful on the Lares Trek to Machu Picchu and then what do I do???

Fall while running to catch up with the group IN Machu Picchu!

Yup....Thursday October 7th.....aprx 8:30 am.


My knees were killing me....in particular the right one.

The day after in Cuzco, I decided to go to one of the clinics and see a Doctor and get an xray.

70 Soles to see the Doctor. 60 Soles for an Xray.

All is good. Just badly bruised and I'm on anti-inflammatory pills.

I took pictures of the Xray machine, the Doctor and me and the Doctor outside of the Clinic.

I'm pretty sure this is the first time this has ever happened at that Clinic!

The Doctor spoke no English and he gave a thumbs up in the picture I took of him.

I love Peru!

Peru Buses

Today we boarded a two tier bus from Cusco to Puno (6 hour trip).

Very nice bus!

Clean and with an emergency bathroom on the top floor.

Emergency means 'pee pee' only.

If you need to do anything else, you must inform your tour leader who will then tell the bus driver and a stop must be made.

Such an organized environment!

Love it.

Colorful Bathrooms

I've enjoyed the colors of red, green, and purple toilets and sinks in my hotel rooms so far (no bathtubs just showers where I've stayed at).

I get excited when I see a plain white set like back home.

Somehow this seems a bit more normal to me.

Brightly colored toilet and sinks remind me of the 70's.

OR...........a bad porno show.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Avocado & Tomatoe Sandwiches

Super Yummy!

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Cocoa Shop

Who would of ever guessed you could buy the following:

- cocoa candy
- cocoa toffee
- cocoa tea (in bag or leaves)
- cocoa ice cream
- cocoa brownies

All for the sake of altitude sickness!

Got to love that.

Night Buses Suck Big Time

Last nights bus ride was really boring and dull.

Hardly anyone slept.

We were on the bus around 8:30 pm. They showed us a film- Bride Wars- in English...which fortuntely killed some time.

We were also feed a little snack and then lights out.

We arrived in Cuzco at 6:30 am.

Nathian's decription of the bus ride......."I've never experienced Chinese torture- but I would imagine it to be the same as this night bus ride".

Video Taping

We've been video taped every time we get on a night bus.



Cuzco So Far

Got in around 7 am.

Checked into the Hostal Buena Vista then headed off for breakfast on my own at Jack's Cafe Bar. I did not want to wait for everyone and then decide where to go.

Came back to the Hostal at 8:30ish am and had a nice long nap.

The group then went for a walking tour around 11 am. at a Cocoa Shop. Sampled all kinds of chocolate and then had the best cocoa tea so far! I also sampled the cocoa brownie- not bad.

After all this I hung out with Anita and Alex. First stop was the Bagel Cafe and shopping around the markets with Anita.

Around 3:30 pm decided to go for a massage. 20 soles for 1 hr 10 minutes. Inka massage. Very relaxing!

In half an hour we meet for our debrief on the Machu Picchu piece of the trip.

Busy day in Cusco!

Which by the way is a great city so far.

Friday, October 01, 2010

My Pick- Lares Trail

I had the choice of Inca Trail or Lares Trail.

I picked Lares for three reasons:

1. It gives you more of the village/locals experience.
2. Supposed to be less crowded while walking.
3. Not as many steps as the Inca Trail

I´ll find out in a few days if I made the right choice!

Most of the group is doing the Inca Trail.

Anita, Sam and I are the only ones doing Lares.

Trekking off the beaten path and still visiting Machu Picchu has always been tricky, but the Lares Valley trek offers this rare combination to travelers looking for an authentic Peruvian experience.

Hiking between rugged alpine peaks, passing cobalt-blue glacial lakes and pausing to watch alpacas graze in open mountain meadows, all without another tourist in sight. This is the way most people envision their trek to Machu Picchu.

Views of the snow-capped Veronica, Chicon, Pitusiray and Sawasiry peaks keep us company most of the way. You will encounter locals carrying out ancient traditions, such as herding llamas, planting potatoes and weaving in the fields as they have for centuries amidst beautiful Andean surroundings. You will be camping near villages where you have the chance to chat and barter for woven goods with locals. This trek also boasts the lovely Lares hot-springs for soaking your weary muscles and Inca ruins, including the impressive Ollantaytambo fortress.

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu (Quechua: Machu Pikchu) – "Old Mountain", is a pre-Columbian Inca site located 2,430 metres (7,970 ft) above sea level.

It is situated on a mountain ridge above the Urubamba Valley in Peru, which is 80 kilometres (50 mi) northwest of Cuzco and through which the Urubamba River flows.

Most archaeologists believe that Machu Picchu was built as an estate for the Inca emperor Pachacuti (1438–1472). Often referred to as "The Lost City of the Incas", it is perhaps the most familiar icon of the Inca World.

The Incas started building the estate around AD 1400 but it was abandoned as an official site for the Inca rulers a century later at the time of the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire. Although known locally, it was unknown to the outside world before being brought to international attention in 1911 by the American historian Hiram Bingham. Since then, Machu Picchu has become an important tourist attraction and, since it was not found and plundered by the Spanish after they conquered the Incas, it is important as a cultural site.

Machu Picchu was declared a Peruvian Historical Sanctuary in 1981 and a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983.[2] In 2007, Machu Picchu was voted one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in a worldwide Internet poll.

Machu Picchu was built in the classical Inca style, with polished dry-stone walls. Its primary buildings are the Intihuatana, the Temple of the Sun, and the Room of the Three Windows. These are located in what is known by archaeologists as the Sacred District of Machu Picchu.

Four Thousand Nine Hundred Meters

4,900 meters above sea level.

Chivay and Colca Canyon.

A few people suffered altitude sickness.

It sure does get hard to walk up steps at that level.

Mount Kilimanjaro: 5,882 meters
Machu Picchu: 2,430 meters

Calgary: 1,083 meters

Chivay Rocks!

We had one of our best nights at a local families home for dinner in Chivay!

Mother (35), Father, Daughter (14) and son (10) all entertained us while we helped prepare our dinner for the night.

We killed 2 guinea pigs.....slice throat...hold guinea pig upside down while blood drains....... put in boiling water to remove all the fur.....slit it in half and give the guts to the cat that is patiently waiting by your feet...then cut up in small pieces and fry.

We peeled and chopped potatoes and other vegetables for our soup.

We even had to cut up the alpaca meat so it could be fried.

The trout was easy...simply throw in the frying pan.

The family even had us wear their tradional clothes and dance to their music.

All this experience for 15 soles!!


(Oh...alpaca meat...very chewy. Guinea pig meat.....not sure yet- as there really wasn´t a lot of meat on the bones!)

Number One Canyon

Colca Canyon is a canyon of the Colca River in southern Peru.

It is located about 100 miles (160 kilometers) northwest of Arequipa.

It is more than twice as deep as the Grand Canyon in the United States at 4,160 m.

However, the canyon's walls are not as vertical as those of the Grand Canyon.

The Colca Valley is a colorful Andean valley with towns founded in Spanish Colonial times and formerly inhabited by the Collaguas and the Cabanas.

The local people still maintain ancestral traditions and continue to cultivate the pre-Inca stepped terraces.

Condors And More Condors

As the sun's first rays slant into the depths of Colca Canyon in southern Peru, Andean condors begin to ascend, riding morning thermals on outstretched wings as they scour the landscape for a meal of carrion.

A gaggle of tourists crowd the Cruz del Condor, or Condor Cross, canyon overlook, hoping to snap a keepsake image of the majestic bird.

"In the area around the Condor Cross there is a well-known permanent group," said Maurico de Romaña, an area hotelier and president of the conservation organization PRODENA-Arequipa. "On some occasions, when there is food, I have succeeded in observing 24 condors together."

The species is listed by the World Conservation Union as "vulnerable." One of the world's largest flying birds, the condor soars on ten-foot (three-meter) wingspans and can weigh up to 33 pounds (15 kilograms).

When the Spanish conquistadors arrived in South America in the 16th century, the giant vulture (Vultur gryphus) was a common sight. The bird flourished throughout its range from the northern tip of Venezuela down the spine of the Andes to the southern tip of Tierra del Fuego in Argentina.

But centuries of habitat loss, dwindling food supplies, human persecution, and the impact of the pesticide DDT on the bird's reproductive success have restricted once-robust populations of the bird to remote sections of the high Andes in Peru, Chile, and Argentina, according to conservationists.

Today, one of the best places to see the Andean condor is the semi-arid Colca Canyon, a marvel twice as deep as the Grand Canyon located about 100 miles (160 kilometers) north of Arequipa, Peru's second largest city.

Fruit Plates


Hugh bowls........cost between 5 to 8 soles.

They come with yogurt and honey.

Super yummy!!!

Dancing The Night Away

Last night in Arequina we all sat around at the Hotel having a drink and some munchies.

This was the first night I´ve had any white wine here. Peruvian wine. Not chilled.

Of course this lead to a night of partying.

Anita is very ill today.

I behaved and got home around 1:30 am.

A few of the folks were hungry and although pizza sounded great,they didn´t serve small pizza´s and I knew I would eat the whole thing- so I went home.

I´m so in need of losing weight.

We are eating far too good here!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dry Hair

Lima last week:

60 Soles Hair Color


20 Soles for some spray that conditions the hair
30 Soles for conditioner to use while I'm travelling

I always get sucked into buying more than what I go in for!

Tea Selections

Loads of tea to pick from!

I LOVE it.

Coca tea is great.......

Overflight Nazca Line

$70.00 US for a 30 minute flight. 20 Soles airport tax.

I had to really think about going- and once I was convinced I truly was looking forward to it. We had been to the Planetarium the night before and now I had an idea of what to expect.

There were four of us left to go to the airport- Nathian, Anita, Jo and myself.

Once we got there we saw the first group who had just finished their flight.

Two of them were green from the airplane ride (small Cesna 206- 6 seater- 4 passengers , 2 pilots).

I quickly decided this was not going to work for me.

The lady behind the 'Alas Peruanas' counter advised I would get a refund. Great!

Not even 5 minutes later- this changed- no- I would not get a refund.

Everyone was telling me to go on the plane- don't worry- there are puke bags in the plane. Chew cocoa leaves or suck on cocoa candy.

No way was I going!

I arranged for our tour leader- Jo- to go in my place. She was really happy- as she has never been.

Money down the drain.......

P.S. No glowing recommendations on this optional activity- so I would advise anyone planning to take it to not do it and save their money.

Overnight Comfortable Bus

This was the description for last nights bus ride. Nazca to Arequipa (aprx 9 hours).

It was in fact comfortable. We even got food at the start and end of the trip (as well as a movie at the start).

Too bad I can't sleep on an overnight bus.

I tried........and I might of slept here and there........but boy I sure needed a nap today.

I love afternoon naps!


Santa Catalina Nunnery. Arequipa, Peru.

35 soles entrance fee. 5 soles each for the tour.

In 1579, less than 40 years after the Spanish arrived in the city of Arequipa, the Santa Catalina de Siena Convent was founded. Since its inception, women from diverse social backgrounds have entered the convent to serve as cloistered nuns, never again to return to their homes and families.

Sister Ana de Los Angeles Monteagudo was a nun who lived in the convent up until her death in 1686. In 1985 she was beatified by Pope John Paul II.

I'm not sure what would of ever possessed someone to enter the Convent in those days.

The Convent now has 20 nuns left. Ages 18 to 96.

It's a beautiful place. "A city withing a city".

The entrance fees pay the maintance costs.

You call tell they don't run out of cash!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Amazing Coast Line

Driving down the coast in Peru is simply amazing!

Sand dunes all along the beach line.

Colorless...........but amazing still the same.

Love it!

American Addiction



Alto Tazo Chai Latte.

9.50 soles.

Two days in Lima = Two Chai Latte's.

It's a miracle I didn't get more.

Roll The Dice In Lima

There are a lot of Casino's in Lima.

It's like a little mini Vegas.

Even the Casino's have the same names!

I was tempted to go into one of them.............but.....I held back and spent my money on alpaca wool products.

Christmas is just around the corner.

Lavanderia In Lima

Lave Queen.

Two blocks from our Hotel.

15 soles for 3.5 kgs.

The clothes smelled so clean when I picked them up.

I was smiling all the way back to the Hotel with my little bag of freshly washed clothes.

It's the simple things in life that one enjoys so much when on the road.

Clean clothes is one of them.

Marching Bands

All night long in Pisco.

Saturday night and the place was celebrating something.

Not sure what- but the loud music stopped around 5:30 am.

Crazy Peruvians.

Good thing for ear plugs.

Sand Duning Fun

Sand dune buggy and sand boarding all for 60 soles (1 hour). Huacachina Oasis.

I skipped on the sand boarding, but did join the fun with the sand dune.

It fit six people. The driver plus five.

Nathian, Jordan in the front with the driver. Kristin and Bree in the back with me in the middle.

The sand dunes were amazing.

I screamed like a little girl the whole time!

Loved it!

Bird Shit

I dodged the bird shit this morning on the boat while visiting Ballestas Island.

This Island is known as the poor man's Galagapoe Islands.

Sea lions, penquins, pelicans and tons of birds.

A few of the people on the boat got hit by them.

They say that bird shit landing on you is good luck.

I say that's crap.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Afternoon Pub Crawls

Nathian and I- Wednesday afternoon.

Pisco Sours.

Only made it to two bars along the beach.

We really liked the second bar.

Bily the owner came to talk to us.

He's worked in the cruise line business for 7 years- and now opened up his own bar.

We brought the whole gang back for drinks later in the night.

We may run into his sister in Puno.

She has a bar there as well.

It's called Mosquitoes.

Mud City

Chan Chan for the morning.

Huaca del Sol y la Luna in the afternoon.

Artists And The Homeless

I made two new friends in Huanchaco.

An aritist and a homeless man.

I met them while I was on the beach walking around.

The artist scetched my portrait for 10 soles (aprx $3.50 USD).

The homeless man just talked to me while I was sitting there.

I saw the homeless man the next day and he came by to say goodbye to me.

He even gave me a kiss on the check.

Scenic Drive

The drive along the coast from Huanchaco to Lima was simply amazing!

I was sitting on the right hand side of the bus and had the ocean view.

It was very sandy and dune like all the way.

Very cool.

Travelling In Style

Today I was on the best bus ride. Ever. In my life!

Oltursa Peru Bus Line. First Class all the way.......

The bus even had a bus attendant serving us lunch and then dinner.

Wow! It was even better than a plane.

More leg room. Movies (License to Wed, All About Steve, Awake, The Blind Side).

We were all over excited being on this bus that the 10 hour bus ride from Huanchaco to Lima went by really fast.

Bienvendio a Bordo.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Inca Cola

Yellow is the color.

Very tasty.

Roasted Pig

After the walking tour in Cuenca, I made my way over to the Museo de Arte Moderno.

Sam, Jo and Kristen came with me.

Unfortunately it was closed, so Sam, Jo and I made our way to New Town to see what was there.

We stopped in a market and ate some local food.

Roasted pig, corn and these potatoe things I didn't really like.

The dog hanging out while we were eating sure had a feast from all the food I was giving him!

Hats and More Hats

In Cuenca during our walking tour we went to visit the 'Museo del Sombrero de Paja Toquilla'.


They told us the Panama hat really is an Ecuadorian hat.

I haven't googled that yet to see if this is the truth.

Interesting place.

Love of Books

I only brought one book to read on this trip. Very different to all the books I brought for the Africa trip.

I'm not into the book I brought- and luckily I saw a book in Quito at my Hostal that I liked so I took that book with me.

Prep. A novel by Curtis Sittenfeld.

Great book!

Peruvian Money

Ecuador's money was the US currency- strange- but easy to use.

Peru's money is Nuevos Soles.

Average exchange is 2.75 Soles for 1.00 USD.

I now have to use my brain for calculations.

Beach Life

Hanging out on my deck in Mancora Peru loving life!

This town is very small and is set up as a surfing/beach town.

Loads of gringo's.

Stoner ones.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Platos Tipicos

Last night I had the best food here!

I had 1/2 the churrasco- which is the typical food Ecuadorians eat.

Loved it!

A slice of beef, rice, salad, avocado and a fried egg on top.

All for $2.90!

Super yummy........

Lovely Cuenca

One of the most beautiful cities in Ecuador.

Population: aprx 500,000.00

We are staying in Old town- La Castellana Hostal.

We are leaving at 10 am for our walking tour.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Four Thirty Morning Drama

Knock Knock.

Who's there I wonder at 4:30 am this morning.

Oh- just our tour leader waking me up to let me know 'We have a problem- Michelle is not back yet from the bar.'

Angela was out with her and a few others- they ended up splitting up and now Ang was worried about her.

They wanted to know if I knew where the American guys we met the night before where staying.

No idea I say.

Great is what I'm thinking...is this going to happen every night???

What do you know.....right at 7 am the time we were leaving- AND- after Jo our tour leader finished writing a long note on how to find us- Michelle shows up.


Good to see that people are responsible and considerate of others.

Clipping Nails and Picking Noses

Should NOT be allowed in any public place.

Especially on a bus.

Two Ecuadorian guys- one clipping his fingernails, the other clipping his toe nails.

One of them also picked his nose after his fingernail clipping.

How attractive.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Shopping Heaven


Great place to shop.

Not one single pushy person.

They ask you once and then leave you alone.

Love it!

Dinner Groping

I had my money on Sam & Emma hooking up.

Not sure which country.

I was wrongo.

Sam & Michelle.

Several nights ago- in the jungle.

I found out last night at the Mexican Restaurant.

Very uncomfortable trying to eat next to 2 people groping each other under the table.


Very classy.

Mucho Bebidas

Last night was one of the first gong shows I was at with the group.

We broke out in two groups for dinner.

I ended up with the group going for Mexican food.

Afterwards, we all hooked up at that crazy little bar from the night before.

It´s two AM and they are trying to get us out of there.

I had to say Buenas Noches to the Columbians that were talking to me at the end of the night. I felt like I was in the Scarface movie talking to them.

Anita was a mess.

Alex picked up the American boy from California.

Johanna was with Miquel...the guy that worked at the bar. He was in love with her. She was being good. My advice to her continues to be to have a man at every port.

Nathan was well behaved.

Miquel´s cute little cousin (18 years old) with all the piercings and his tight clothes (he wore a belt that had a homemade mirror belt buckle) could not speak a word of english.

What a night!

We told everyone we would be back tonight- our last night in Banos.

Massage Heaven

Prana Massage.

Full body massage + reflexology + face massage + hot stones + hot esstentials oil.

Special Promotion.....Free Facial.

All this in 1.5 hours.

Twenty Five USD Dollars.

You´ve got to love Banos, Ecuador!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Crazy Quito

Not a safe place.

- Spray of ketchup, mustard or some other awful stuff on your back pack. When you stop to clean it up there will be someone there to 'help' you. You usually have a day pack and put that down as well. Last time you will see it.
- Flyers are coated with some powder that when touched by your finger tips makes you a bit drowsy- forgetful. Goodbye daypack, wallet and camera.

Pick pocketing was also common. I met several students at the Spanish School who had there wallets taken on the crowded public buses. One girl had her purse cut open and camera stolen. It's common to have purses straps cut while walking or in crowded places.

One student took a cab one night and then was robbed when the cab driver stopped in a tunnel and two guys got in-one on each side of the student- took his money- he jumped out of the cab and kept running.

Scary stuff.

One needs to be super careful in these big cities when travelling.

Dancing In Banos

Last night we all went out to an Italian restaurant.

After dinner a few of us went for a drink.

I really haven't been going out drinking as Quito was quite dangerous- separate blog entry on that.

Nathan, Anita, Alex and I were wondering around when this young guy tells us that his bar has a 2 for 1. We hear the loud music and decide to go in.

Small place- deadly drinks.

Daily Blogging

Hard to do.

Then it's difficult to catch up.

It's raining out and everyone is white water rafting. I'm waiting for my room- as we had to check into one funky hotel yesterday as this one was booked. We have 3 nights in Banos.

Banos is located beneath the towering Volcano Tungurahua. It's in the sierra between Quito and the jungle. Tourists stop here for all the adventure activities- white water rafting, bungee jumping, bike riding, hiking, horse back riding etc.,

I've decided to just hang out.

I might look for a massage spot this afternoon or go check out the thermal water spas.

Life is great!

Blogging At The Front Desk

I'm sitting behind the front desk of Hotel Villa Santa Clara in Banos trying to get this blog up to date.

It's check out time and all the guests are talking to me thinking I work here.

I would be sitting somewhere else with my little computer if I could find a plug.

Electrical plug in's are very difficult to find here.

Oh, got to go- someone wants to pay their bill.

In The Jungle The Mighty Jungle

Sunday we were off to the Amazon Jungle.

Cotocoha Lodge.

I had my own hut. One double bed, one twin. Amazing room! Right in front of the Napo river.

There is no electricity in the huts- they give you kerosene lanterns around 5:30 pm so you can see.

The first afternoon we walked to see a local community, how they live, what they eat and what the medicine man grows. The afternoon ended with a soccer game. Gingo's against the locals. Funny to watch!

I left a lantern on in the bathroom the first night. The second night I decided to give both lanterns back. BIG mistake. It was pitch dark. I was a bit scared. Made me wonder what was crawling around in my room.

The next day we headed off by canoe to walk in the jungle. We had quite the hike to another waterfall. Everyone jumped in the cold cold water once we got there. I just hung out - water is not something I need to jump into.

We jumped into the canoe again and stopped in this small port to see some monkeys. This is where we all saw one monkey give a dog a blow job. Very funny.

The ride back in the canoe was a bit choppy and dark. Scary.

Great day in the jungle!

Saturday Day Trip

Our day trip was organized by the school- however, they needed 8 students to make it a go with a private bus.

I managed to fill the bus up with all the Intrepid folks- other than Angela and Michelle who came in late on Friday night, also Jordan who was tired.

We had a total of 16 plus 2 teachers- Marta and Jackie (who also brought her teenage daugher).

Thirty dollars for the day-which included breakfast as well as several spots before and after the Otavalo Market.

One stop prior was at this fruit stand on the street- yummy- can't remember what it's called now. It was green and bumpy- you ate the inside- which was white and had pits. A sweet fruit that most of us liked.

The next stop was for breakfast. It was in this small town and a place famous for biscuits.

Ecuador has these amazing fresh juices and mine was so good- blackberry- fresh and delicious!

We also stopped briefly at the animal market. It wasn't that busy at the time- as most of the action is first thing in the morning. This market was all locals and they had all sorts of animals in wire type cages. Dogs ($5.00 each), kittens, chickens, pigs, hens...........you name it you could buy it. Some of the folks on the bus were disturbed by the way the animals were squeezed in the cages or how they looked like they would be treated. I wasn't. Food chains are like that.

The market itself was huge. Tons of paintings, wool clothing, crafts and on and on. I had to buy an umbrella to shade myself as it was far too hot to walk around.

After the market we stopped for lunch. They gave us an entree of guninea pig to try. Tasted like chicken. Doesn't everything wierd?

Our next few stops were at waterfalls. One was quite the hike.

We got in a bit late- 8:30 pm from the sheduled 7 pm............but that's because we were all having so much fun at each of the spots!

Our tour leader was a bit worried we showed up so late.

What a great day in Ecuador!

I only managed to buy a few little paintings.

Can't start quite yet!

Friday, September 10, 2010

My Trip Mates

Tonight we met up for our first meeting.

Johanna Cordova is our Intrepid Leader all the way to Bolivia.

Across the Andes:

Michael (Mechanical Engineer) & Vanessa (Medical Scientist): Perth.
Alex (Lawyer): England
Anita (Paramedic): England
Emma (Doctor): Australia
Kristin (Just graduated from College): USA
Sam (Graphic artist): Perth
Jordan & Bianna (Just graduated from College): England & Australia
Nathan (Exporter- cars): England
Anglela (Police Officer) & Michelle (Office Adminstrator): Melbourne

Cowgirl Bella

I rented a horse when I was up in the mountains the teleferico ride brings you to.

I had all the gear: poncho and leather cowboy hat.

This all went great with my sky blue converse runners.

Five dollars buys you a lot of fun!

Four Thousand One Hundred Meters

It only took 10 minutes to go 2,500 meters on the teleferico.

A three dollar cab ride to get there.

Eight dollars and fifty cents for the ride.

Breathless but amazing views!

Adios Jimena

I have a new friend!


She is so much fun.

I had to tip her big- on top of the bottle of dulce de leche liquor I bought her.

Jimena told me that Luis pays his teachers $2.60 per hour.

Luis charges the students up to $7.50 per hour.

Luis is a muy rico hombre.

Luis The Business Man

You would think that Luis would give me a BIG discount for referring so many students (Alex, Sam, Anita).

I also filled up a bus so he had to order a bigger one for the Otavalo day trip tomorrow.


Luis just thanked me for all the 'recommendations'.

Luis is a Business Man that makes mucho dinero.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

My Friend Vince

Still very funny.

Jimena's Love Story

I have this cute tiny Spanish teacher: Jimena.

Today while visiting the Market, she told me of her latest love. A German boy.

Unfortunately it did not work out.

She did not want to move to Germany, and if he moved to Ecuador, things would be too difficult for him.

What a sad love story.

Helping Sam

Today I set Sam up with the Brazilian Embassey. I had my Spanish Teacher Jimena come with us to help translate. It will take Sam 8 business days from Monday to get his visa. This is a problem. We came up with another plan- organize this all in Peru.

I then set Sam up with his Spanish Classes.

Oh- I even had him included in our cooking session.

Sam owes me big.

Popcorn 101

Today's activity with the school was cooking!

We all pitched in to help. My role was to chop up the onion's.

We made this delicious dish of 'Pollo Ceviche'.


We were even taught to put popcorn in it.

Super yummy!

Amazing Museum

The Spanish school I'm attending offers activities during the week.

Yesterday's afternoon activity was to go visit 'La Capilla Del Hombre Guayasamain'.

What an amazing place!

The art all told a story and was very sad.

I can't recall ever hearing the story of this famous Ecuadorian painter.

Travelling is so educational.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Spanish Homework


Escribir las cantidades.

Cambiar al plural.

Cambiar al genero contrario.


Sexy Salsa Class

Two Boys.

Eight Girls.

All Gringo's.

One sexy Ecuadorian dance instructor.

Gringo's are not sexy dancers.

My First Day At School

Class started at 8:30 am.

The school was full with people- you could tell who the teachers were. They were the Ecuadorian Ladies. All the other people were gringo's.

My teacher's name is Jimena. She is in her mid 30's. Not married. Lives at home. She comes from a large family.

I make her laugh with my Spanish/Italian/French/English.

I understand............but I cannot speak. My pronunciation sucks.

Four hours of laughter.

Volunteer Fees

I gave up on volunteering in the afternoons as I found out that most of the places that set you up to help an organization want money.

One place wanted $250.00!! They then changed this to $100.00 saying..."Oh, you are here already- so we do not have that much administration paperwork to take care of." I would also have to give money to the organization- aprx $25.00. I didn't mind that fee- but the other one was ridiculous- especially for 5 days.

I'll need to fill the time doing other important stuff.

Espanol Funcional

I decided to take some Spanish classes while I'm in Quito on my own.

Seeing as I don't speak Spanish...ever....the little I learned in Guatemala has since been forgotten.

I checked out a few schools and signed up with 'Academia De Espanol' Guayasamin.

I'm looking at my 'Nivel Principiante' course booklet and see that it covers:

- Gramatica
- Ejercicios
- Vocabulario
- Tareas

For only $6.75 USD per hour, I will be able to understand what the last word on my list means!

Monday, September 06, 2010

Chocolate and Me

Like everyone sane, I love chocolate.

I especially love it when I accidentally come across a 'FREE' Chocolate sampling session at this very funky store.

How could I pass that by?


Yummy! Sample after sample. Still Yummy!

Coca Tea

Must try it.

Ecuador FYI's

Population: 13.9 Million

Capital City: Quito (population 1.5 Million)

Language: Spanish

Currency: US Dollar

A lot of tourists stop here to go to the Galapagos Islands(by the way- one of those Islands is called 'Isabela').

Another top tourist destination is the Amazon Jungle.

Weather: Wet or Dry

Back To School

Quito is a big city.

I need to learn Spanish.

I'm going to take a few days of Spanish classes to help me get around in this big city and this big continent.

I start tomorrow morning.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Take out Pizza

I stopped for a tea in Old Town just before stopping at this Internet spot.

I also decided to get a take out pizza for this evening.

I ended up with a take out tea as well after I drank my tea in the restaurant in a nice white cup. The take out tea came in a styrofoam cup, a cut up lime and sugar in a plastic bag. My pizza also came with some liquid stuff in a plastic bag (he tried to explain this as some sort of salsa).

I returned the take out tea and am now going to walk home with my pizza and the liquid stuff.

Hopefully it tastes good.

I might even be able to figure it out when I taste it!

Olga and Me

The Hostal has this cute little lady that is the maid/ housekeeper.

I asked her what her name was and I think she said Olga.

When I tried to ask her if I should take my rain jacket out today- she thought I wanted to give this jacket to her.

No I say taking it back.

Trying to say rain in Spanish is very much like saying eggs or Thursday.

Llover, Huevos, or Jueves.

You had to be there.

It also doesn´t go well when trying to mime it.

Locked Cars and Alarms

I arranged an airport pick up last night when I arrived in Quito.

This went smoothly enough until the driver accidentially LOCKED me in the van while he went to pay the airport fee and get the other 2 people that he had left at the airport while they had to visit the washroom.

He asked me to sit in the front and wait while he ran his errands. I had no problem with this so I calmly sat in the front seat.

Not even 2 minutes after he left me there, I hear the car locks LOCK!

YIKES! I now cannot open the windows or the doors.

I CANNOT sit in a car like that. HELP!!!

I was having an anxiety attack while I was trying to figure out what to do.

I bolted over to the drivers side and noticed that door unlocked no problem.

The alarm quickly sounded and did not stop for a good 5 minutes.

I just stood in front of the van waiting to be arrested.

Thankfully everyone ignored the alarm and me.

The driver came back calmly after a good 15 minutes. Smiling.

I smiled back and told him what happened.

He then remembered that the car locks automatically after the doors lock.


Note to self: Never sit in a car without the keys.

Informacion Turistica

Interesting how it´s very had to get anything in English.

No problem in Spanish though.

Makes sense though.

Everyone should know Spanish.

Magnets and Me

My Fridge is covered in them.

I can now proudly add the Obama- 44th President magnet (which I purchased at the Houston airport).

And I can also add the ´Mitad del Mundo- Ecuador´magnet I purchased at the Market today.

I love all these magnets!

The problem lies in rearranging them on my fride in alphabetical order every time I have new ones to add.

The artist in me needs to do this.

Room Nine

I´m living in this little attic room in Hostal Casa Kanela!

One single bed. Two little windows. A small bathroom that has a tiny shower. The doors are all slanted and short due to the ceiling.

This is the one time it´s good to be short!

I feel like I´m in a fairy tale.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Americans and Toilets

I notice that every public washroom in the USA provides you with those toilet paper seat covers.


Texans and Spanish

I believe that Texas is mostly Spanish speaking.

Yes, I do believe!

Even all the signs at the airport are in English and Spanish.

It's fantastic.

Wireless and Me

I LOVE my new HP mini netbook!

I have NO IDEA why I didn't buy one ages ago.

I'm finally into the 2010's!

AND.......I'm using free wireless at the Houston airport!

You've go to love that.

American Airports

Not only do you hear flight announcements you also have the joy of hearing:

'Certain remarks or jokes will result in your arrest.'


Friday, September 03, 2010

Truth and Mirrors

Truth is a mirror that makes you see yourself more clearer.

Long Time No Blog

It's been a very long time.

I was planning on updating it with Africa.

Was is now just a memory.

Slowly fading.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Glass Vase

Ronald had a nice glass vase at his house.

Notice the word 'had'.

Monica sat on it.

I saw it all happen while I was dancing.

And laughing.

Lost In Amsterdam

Walking in circles.

Wet converse runners.

Photo's with policemen.

Sleeping in trains.

It's really not MY fault. I was with Monica.

Live People Live Sex

Real people do not look good having sex.

Especially in the area of giving/or receiving blow jobs.

Where do they find these drug addicts?

1. Bad teeth
2. Bad hair
3. Bad bodies
4. Bad attire

Bad, bad, bad people.

I loved it!



"I'd look in the mirror if I were you".....is what Monica and I should of YELLED back to the doorman.

Instead...we just purchased our tickets (25 euro each) and went and sat down in the cheesy theater to watch the live sex show in Amsterdam the night of Jan 23rd.

Cute & Pretty were on a perverted mission.

How Do People Take Heroin?

You can smoke heroin or inject it subcutaneously (under the skin) or intravenously (into a vein) or ingest it (sniff it) or go out on a limb simply eat it (lessened effects).

Now I know.

Why Oh Why

Didn't I have a small little notebook with me while I was on the road?

I could of simple just cut and paste into my blog when I got home.


Now I have to try and remember everything.

Why Oh Why?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Four Euro's

Sure can get you into trouble in Amsterdam!

And he said it was mild.............

It's a Girl!

I've adopted a baby elephant!

Her name is Olare and she was born in September 2009.

She was rescued by the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust folks in Nairobi, Kenya.

They found her beside her parlaysed mother who later had to be euthanized.

Elephants rock!


Monday, November 16, 2009

Cute & Pretty

This is going to be trouble!

I just need to get on a 10:20 am flight the next day.

I'm sure it can be done.

Africa Bound!

Admire Uganda's lush forests, Experience Namibia's starkly beautiful deserts, Meet a gorilla family in the Rwandan jungle, Embark on game safaris in world-renowned national parks, Experience a wealth of different African traditions and cultures, Navigate the Okavango Delta's lily-strewn channels, Camp beside glistening lakes and tropical beaches, Lend a hand on inspiring local community projects.

Day 1 Nairobi. Get ready for an animal-spotting adventure. For those who arrive early, be sure to visit the National Museum of Kenya.
Day 2 Lake NakuruLake. Nakuru is a favourite spot with birdlife. Listen out for the chatter of black and white colobus monkeys in the treetops above.
Days 3-4 Eldoret/ Kampala. Meet local children and their families at the Kariandusi School Trust Project. Lend a hand with a learning or construction project. Rise early for a dawn safari and perhaps spy an endangered rhino. Cross the border into Uganda to camp near Kampala.
Days 5-6 Kibale Forest National Park. Meet local children and their families at the Kariandusi School Trust Project. Lend a hand with a learning or construction project. Rise early for a dawn safari and perhaps spy an endangered rhino. Cross the border into Uganda to camp near Kampala.
Day 7 Queen Elizabeth National Park. Set between the Great Rift Valley lakes of Edward and George, the Queen Elizabeth National Park is home to a wide array of wildlife. Embark on game drives to try to spot elephants, lions, buffaloes and antelope. Cruise the Kazinga Channel where pelicans and fish eagles soar and hippos wallow.
Day 8 Lake Bunyonyi. Hiring a traditional dugout canoe and gliding across the lake's surface is a fun way to enjoy the amazing scenery.
Days 9-11 Gorilla Trek. Cross over the border into Rwanda and make camp at Ruhengeri, gateway to our gorilla adventure. Accompanied by a guide and trackers, hike through rugged terrain to come face-to-face with a family of rare mountain gorillas - the sight of these gentle mountain giants is unforgettable. Head out on rainforest hikes to glimpse some of the forest's other inhabitants.
Day 12 Lake Mburo. Back over the border in Uganda head to Lake Mburo, home to the large eland antelopes. Discover plenty of other magnificent animals on walking safaris through this secluded park.
Days 13-14 Jinja. Visit Bujagali Falls, one of the many sources of the Nile. Then take time out to shop for souvenirs or perhaps try white-water rafting.
Days 15-16 Eldoret/ Nairobi. Pass through Eldoret once more on the way back to the busy streets of Nairobi, where the adventure ends.
Days 17-18 Mto Wa Mbu/ Karatu. Tour a Tanzanian village for a glimpse of farming life.
Days 19-20 Serengeti National Park. These legendary grasslands are a haven for the Big Five.
Day 21 Ngorongoro Crater/ Karatu. Photograph a wealth of wildlife in Africa's 'Garden of Eden'.
Day 22 Marangu. Visit a home for street kids. Experience Chagga village life on Kilimanjaro's slopes.
Days 23-24 Lushoto. Meet friendly villagers and wander pristine forests in the Usambara Mountains.
Day 25 Dar es Salaam. Welcome to Tanzania's tropical port city.
Days 26-28 Zanzibar. Be enticed by spice plantations, cobbled bazaars and palm-fringed beaches.
Day 29 Dar es Salaam. Return to an idyllic beachside camp.
Days 30-31 Iringa/ Chitimba. Try to spot elephants, buffaloes and giraffes in Mikumi National Park's woodlands.
Days 32-33 Lake Malawi. Relax by this enormous, fish-filled lake.
Days 34-35 Luwawa Forest Lodge. Discover welcoming villages in the remote forests of Malawi's Viphya Mountains.
Days 36-37 Chipata/ Lusaka. Cross the Luanga River into Zambia.
Days 38-40 Livingstone/ Victoria Falls. Thrill to thunderous spray from one of the world's mightiest waterfalls.
Days 41-42 Chobe National Park. Enjoy a rewarding Chobe River safari. Try to spot hippos, crocodiles and paddling elephants in the river's waters.
Days 43 Bagani Community Camp. Recharge in Namibia's peaceful Caprivi Strip.
Days 44-45 Okavango. DeltaRide a pole-propelled mokoro through lily-filled streams.
Days 46-48 Rundu/ San Bushmen Camp/ Gootfontein. Go tracking and gathering with the San Bushmen, who've lived in harmony with the desert for around 20,000 years.
Days 49-50 Etosha National Park. Nocturnal animals are easy to spot by the floodlit waterhole.
Days 51-52 Spitzkoppe. Experience awe among the beautiful rock formations decorated with ancient San paintings.
Days 53-54 Swakopmund. Admire olive-coloured Cape Cross seals. Get adventurous in an old German colonial town.
Days 55-56 Sesriem/ Keetmanshoop. Scramble to the top of Namib Desert dunes. Soak up breathtaking sunrise views over a vast sandy sea.
Day 57 Fish River Canyon. Inspect iconic quiver trees and enjoy sunset panoramas over this enormous canyon.
Days 58-59 Orange River/ Western Cape. Relax by the Orange River's banks or choose a canoeing adventure downstream.
Day 60 Cape Town. This epic journey ends amid Cape Town's vineyards, townships and modern cityscape

Sunday, November 01, 2009


No lime green IPOD's to be found!

The face plates now have updated color changes. The green being offered is too dark. Looks too much like Christmas.

I decided on the bright pink one.

So NOT me.

Batman, Freddie Mercury and Andy Warhol

I find myself partying with dead people last night.

You've got to love Halloween....especially when it's on a Saturday!

We ended up at Morgan's pub where about 95% of the people were all in costume.

What a blast!

Singapore Sam's until 4 am and then Kathy's until 9 am this morning.

I'm still feeling the pain.

Mia & Me

Several weeks ago I won two tickets to see the 'Wiggles Go Banana's' show in Edmonton. Why I even entered this contest was a mystery. Not that I have time for this....but I thought, why not? I'll send in a few banana receipes and enter- really having no idea who the 'Wiggles' were at that time. A quick google search and I had a few receipes that I could simply cut and paste to forward on as one of 'my' best banana choices.

My plan was to take my 3 year old niece Mia if I lucked out on these $45.00 tickets (each).

When I got the email advising I won, I thought I'd better use my friend 'google' and search out these 'Wiggles'. I found out they are 4 adult males from Australia- often referred to as the AC/DC rock band for children. Wow! I scored big. I'd love to see AC/DC....I guess this gets me one step closer!

The night before the event, my niece tells me that she is 'afraid' to go see the Wiggles.

Mia says this with her cute little face...."Zia Bella....Mia is afraid to go into the TV." AHHHHHHH..........

Being the big Auntie that I am, I look at Mia and tell her that......"Zia Bella is afraid to go into the TV too. The Wiggles are going to be on stage in person."

That didn't work. Her mom had to explain what a 'stage' was. Hmmm...I suck at explaining things to 3 year old's.

The day of the event comes and Mia is wearing her 'fancy' dress that she gets to wear only on special occassions. She's also wearing her new pink tights with cute pink shoes. Of course I had to take those shoes off and have her wear her converse runners just like Zia Bella. Mia is the proud owner of 3 pairs already!!

Her mom drops us off at the stadium and as we are walking along to find the seats, I hear someone crying. Oh no! I look down and there is Mia crying and telling me she is scared and wants her mama. Oh no! I slowly bend down (which buys me time on figuring out my next step)...and pick her up telling her that "Mia is a big girl and not to be scared. Let's just go and find our seats" (I'm thinking fast....get her out of these crowds).

She stops crying. I'm thinking 'wow- I'm good'. This taking care of kids is a piece of cake!

Of course- once we sit down she looks around and notices that most of the kids

Positioning Words

I learned the other day how important it is to place the word 'fuck' in the right place in a conversation.

Note the difference:

1. "Fuck. Work. It's all I ever do!"

2. "Work. Fuck. It's all I ever do!"

Thank you my friend for pointing this out.

Garbage Can

I love how my blog allows me to use the little garbage can to delete any comments that I find unfavourable with my theme of letting me focus on ME.

This was tested by me the other day and it worked wonderfully!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Animals or Mountains

I've never been on a hot air balloon ride!

I think it's time..............

Do I take a trip in Africa for $500 USD?????

OR..........book a trip in Calgary for $225.00 CAD???

Do I want to see little spots in the wild that are some sort of animal............or........the majestic rocky mountains???


Lime Green IPOD's

I'm searching for a new IPOD. A lime green one.

The one I purchased when I got back from India for $190.00 was returned by me...as I was far too lazy to load songs on it.

I now need one for my next trip.

An 8GB IPOD is now down to $150.00.

It pays to wait.

Bella Trying to Meditate

I often think back to one evening in India....... when I was painting one of the rooms at this place I was volunteering at, and Oystein (one of the other volunteers) looked at me and said......'Bella, you've got to learn to meditate'.

Interesting............me???? Meditate???? I don't think that's possible.............but of course I'll give it a try!

I'm always taking courses- so I registered for 'Meditation- Level 1'.
8 classes. 1.5 hrs each session.

Tomorrow night will be my third session. So far I have not followed any of the instructions.

This week involved a 40 minute meditation that was taught last week. I was to practice every evening.

The instructor is a bit strange.

She actually has said that we are to also practice:

NOT Complaining
NOT Criticizing
NOT Analyzing

Is this even humanly possible?????????

I am a bad bad student.

Kriya Yoga is a meditation technique that quickly accelerates one's spiritual growth. It was first made widely known by Paramhansa Yogananda in his Autobiography of a Yogi. According to Yogananda, Kriya is the most effective technique available to mankind today for reaching the goal of Yoga: union with the Divine.

Incredible Me

Sometimes we have to remind ourselves how beautiful we are.

Today is the day.

I am:







Ingenious Ideas


I decided to just use 'I' words to describe my beauty!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The World and Me # 2

I first wrote on this in late October 2007.

This afternoon- I was once again wondering how many countries there are in the world...so of course I had to google this!

Mar 25 2009
Below is a complete listing of the 195 official independent countries of the world and their capital cities. Please see my article about the Number of Countries in the World for more information on the number 195.

This somehow is up by 1 from the last time I did a google search. I also note that I had been to 43 countries last count.

I did a new 'recount' and count 47 countries. Out of those 47- I have been to all the capitals- other than in Australia (Canberra), Belgium (Brussels), Brazil (Brasilia), Jamaica (Kingston), Mexico (Mexico City), Morocco (Rabat), New Zealand (Wellington), Spain (Madrid), Turkey (Ankara) and the USA (Washington, DC). Hmmmm...... I didn't count 3 countries in the above number that I only spent a day (no overnighter).

This means I'm only at 24% of visiting the world!

I need to get busy. With the 9 that I can add on for Africa in the next few months- that will take me to 56 countries....29%.

When I check this 'world list'..........I would like to put these on my 'wish list':

Afghanistan: Kabul
Bolivia: La Paz
Denmark: Copenhagen
Ecador: Quito
El Salvador: San salvador
Finland: Helsinki
Iceland: Reykjavik
Israel: Jerusalem
Korea: Seoul
Lebanon: Beirut
Mongolia: Ulaanbaatar
Norway: Oslo
Pakistan: Islamabad
Panama: Panama City
Paraquay: Asuncion
Peru: Lima
Phillipines: Manila
Poland: Warsaw
Russia: Moscow
Saudi Arabia: Riyadh
Suriname: Paramaribo
Sweden: Stockholm
Switzerlalnd: Bern
Taiwan: Taipei
Ukraine: Kyiv
United Arab Emirates: Abu Dhjabi
Uruguay: Montevideo
Uzbekistan: Tashkent

That's another 28 countries............say 30 max.....as I know I will find a few more I want to go to.

My new goal will be: 56 plus 30= 86 countries...which is 44% of the world.

I'm only at 54% of my goal so far!

With my Africa trip....I will be at 56 countries. That's 56 of 86 countries.....65% of my goal!

Only THIRTY countries left to go...................

I'm so excited!!!!

I Love You Zia Bella

My 3 year old niece just blurted this out last weekend when I was in Edmonton.

'I love you Zia Bella.'

I had to ask her if she knew what that means.

She doesn't...............but it still means a lot to me!

Decisions and Death

A few weeks ago I finished reading this fantastic book called 'Beijing Doll' .

The book was written by a young chinese girl and it was also banned in China.

Her writing was brilliant..............and this is one of the many words she wrote that really stops and makes you think:

"Making a decision that determines your fate, is a lot harder than simply closing your eyes and waiting for death to take you."

Pull My Hair

As seen on a car license plate:

"Bitch on Board. If you're going to ride my ass, at least pull my hair."

Monday, August 03, 2009

Busted at the Zoo

Don't you just love it when you see someone that doesn't want you to see them?

This happened to me on Saturday morning when I was at the Calgary Zoo putting Mia on the kiddie train.

Well......who do you think is in front of me?

One of the employees from work who asked to leave early on Friday so they could make the bus to Edmonton for the weekend.


Zia Bella

Mia & Kiara were visiting me this weekend.

I'm now cleaning up little finger prints left by their visit.

I'm also still smiling over Mia's telephone conversation with her Nonno yesterday morning.

"Zia Bella yells a lot".
