Lets focus on ME

Monday, January 08, 2007

Photographs and Memories

I finally have a digital camera!

A very useful Christmas present I got this year from my special relatives.

This got me thinking about all the photo albums I've accumulated over the years. I have a lot of them. Most are neatly organized, but do I need them all?

Do I really need more than one picture of an event or of an individual or group of people?

And do these pictures really trigger my memory?

The answers I came up with are, yes..... I want them all, and no.... I only need some of them.

I now have a project on the go to clean up and organize all my photo albums so that I reduce what I presently have to half of where I started from.

I still plan on having future photo albums...but they will definitely be a bit more focused as to what pictures are placed in there.

All very doable.

Our Fat Lives

Not only in weight but in everything we own.

We lead a life of excess.

Excess defined:
  • a quantity much larger than is needed
  • overindulgence: excessive indulgence
  • more than is needed, or required

I guess noone but you can decide what you need or what you require.

We like that about our own little comfortable world.

Self Check Out Counters

Can Walmart get any better?

I've mentioned before that I LOVE this huge take over the world store, but now I'm in total AWE and I must say a bit scared at the same time.

I found myself at Walmart the other day just wondering around like I usually do always amazed at how cheap their prices are, when I thought to myself that today would be the day that I FINALLY use their self check out counter.

These counters frightened me, as the people using them always walk up to them with confidence, knowing exactly how to scan the items and quickly packing and paying for their purchases.

I knew that I was going to hold up the line in some way.

After a bit of assistance, I can now say that I have overcome this fright after the first time I used the self check out. Note to self: the furthest card payment to the right is the debit card slider NOT the visa one.

Did you know that the counters actually SPEAK to you and KNOW how much your item weighs for when you are packing it up???? This way they know if you are stealing anything or packing the wrong item in your bag.

WOW! That scares me just thinking on how much information the check out counters know.

I just hope they didn't scan me just by standing in front of this FREAK of a machine.

They probably have a file on me already.

Now they have my height and weight as well.