Lets focus on ME

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

First Stop: Dakar!

Population 2.6 million. Population in Senegal is 12.9 Million

Dakar is the captital of Senegal.

Languages: French, Wolof, Malinke, Pulaar (Fulfulde), Diola

Currency: West African CFA Franc (1 US$= 450 CFA, 1 Euro= 650 CFA)

No Visa requirement for Canadian's.

Six hour time difference to Calgary +.

Beautiful people.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lucky Girl

I noticed an older very stylish man in the restaurant this morning. White. Speaking fluent French. He was sitting with this beautiful young black women. She could easily of been a model.

I see him again later in the day- speaking Italian. Hmmmm....I'm thinking. I need to find out what is going on.

I ask the front desk who the man is and I'm told that he is in fact from Italy and that he just got married last week in Dakar. He is 52 years old. She is 16 years old. 'They' are going back to Italy today.

'Are you kidding me?' is my response.

'No, this is the truth. She is a very lucky girl. Her parents and family are very happy for her'.

Life just doesn't make sense some days.

Monday, October 17, 2011

What Do You Want From Canada?

'Shoes' he says.

'What?' I say.

'Shoes' he repeats.

This surprized me as I was thinking more in the line of peanut butter or maple syrup.

I drive to the mall and buy a pair of men's shoes (more like walking sandals)in a size 45 (12 or 13).

This conversation happened one day before I left Canada. I called the Hotel to see if they had a pick up service for the Airport.

Adama Dieme the young man at the front desk at Hotel Al Baraka is very happy today.

He put the 'shoes' on right away and posed for a photo.

Flights To Dakar

Calgary to Chicago O'Hare Airport: United Airline 614. Apr 3 hour flight. One hour time difference.

Chicago O'Hare Airport was great! No free WIFI....but great shops/restaurants and busy. I love super busy airports. Someone is always going somewhere. Love it!

Chicago to Washington Dulles Airport: United Airline 910. Apr 1.5 hour flight. One hour time difference.

Washington Dulles Airport was boring. Small. The sections are not together so you need to take a shuttle. I prefer walking around an airport and just getting lost.

Washington to Dakar Senegal. South African Airline 208. Aprx 8 hour flight. Total of 6 hour difference to Calgary time.

I was sitting next to an American Military guy who was with a group going to Dakar for one week. They were being met at the Airport by the Embassey as they were here to train in terroism stuff. I can't even spell the word.

Dakar airport was small and insane. Flight landed before 6 am. Very dark out. I tried to find a buggy for my bags (one huge backpack and one bag filled with stuff for my World Vision trip). Of course- some young boy targets me with his own buggy. I was tired and thought- what the hell....I'll give him a US $1.00 bill for helping me out. Of course he wanted more. Tried to tell me that Banks don't take the $1.00 bill. He was speaking French...but I understood he was trying to scam me. You understand that in any language. $5.00 US. I don't think so.

We made it out of the baggage area and I wanted to go to the Taxi stand. Of course- his 'friend' magically appeared. The 'friend' with a taxi. Yup. I'm smarter than this- but what the hell. A ride is a ride. Or is it? I started to have my doubts when we went outside and I find myself with 3 young guys walking towards the end of the parking lot. A car appears. Yellow. No TAXI sign on it. Great.

One of the guys carrying my bags- wanted money for doing this. No I said. Firmly. He leaves. Then one of the other three disappears. The 'friend' with the 'taxi' is left. He gets into the passenger seat of the car that just appeared. I'm starting to think- this is not good. In the matter of 10 minutes I was in the presence of 5 young black boys. Great. The two that are left don't speak a word of English. They did make it understood that they knew where the Hotel was. We drive. They obviously don't know where they are going. I show them the address. I don't think they can read. They stop at a gas station and I believe they tried to make me pay for gas. I can't understand a word they say. They don't understand a word I'm saying. We leave the gas station with no gas. The gas indicator shows empty. I'm once again thinking not a good sign. I decide to feed the two young boys. Cookies and gum. I think they are happy and will not rob me.

We make it to the Hotel. I give them 5,000 CFA's. They leave my bags on the road.

I'm happy I made it alive and without getting robbed.

Learning of the day: Always carry cookies and gum with you.

Wish I Knew French!

I'm not very good in keeping up my blog when I travel.

I see that my last trip was just left hanging in blog world. Bad me.

Not sure if anyone actually reads my blog. I don't give the address to a lot of folks. Most keep up with my Facebook updates. This is more for me to reflect back on my trips.

Right this moment, I find myself in Hotel Al Baraka, 35 Rue Abdou Karim Bourgi in Dakar Senegal 7:20 pm. I've now been here a little over 12 hours. Most of it was spent 'napping'. 9 hours to be truthful!

The heat and the flight's just knocked me out!

French is the language in this part of the world.

A butchered kind to what we know.

My little dictionary is not going to be very helpful.

I loce this Continent of Africa!