Lets focus on ME

Monday, October 17, 2011

Flights To Dakar

Calgary to Chicago O'Hare Airport: United Airline 614. Apr 3 hour flight. One hour time difference.

Chicago O'Hare Airport was great! No free WIFI....but great shops/restaurants and busy. I love super busy airports. Someone is always going somewhere. Love it!

Chicago to Washington Dulles Airport: United Airline 910. Apr 1.5 hour flight. One hour time difference.

Washington Dulles Airport was boring. Small. The sections are not together so you need to take a shuttle. I prefer walking around an airport and just getting lost.

Washington to Dakar Senegal. South African Airline 208. Aprx 8 hour flight. Total of 6 hour difference to Calgary time.

I was sitting next to an American Military guy who was with a group going to Dakar for one week. They were being met at the Airport by the Embassey as they were here to train in terroism stuff. I can't even spell the word.

Dakar airport was small and insane. Flight landed before 6 am. Very dark out. I tried to find a buggy for my bags (one huge backpack and one bag filled with stuff for my World Vision trip). Of course- some young boy targets me with his own buggy. I was tired and thought- what the hell....I'll give him a US $1.00 bill for helping me out. Of course he wanted more. Tried to tell me that Banks don't take the $1.00 bill. He was speaking French...but I understood he was trying to scam me. You understand that in any language. $5.00 US. I don't think so.

We made it out of the baggage area and I wanted to go to the Taxi stand. Of course- his 'friend' magically appeared. The 'friend' with a taxi. Yup. I'm smarter than this- but what the hell. A ride is a ride. Or is it? I started to have my doubts when we went outside and I find myself with 3 young guys walking towards the end of the parking lot. A car appears. Yellow. No TAXI sign on it. Great.

One of the guys carrying my bags- wanted money for doing this. No I said. Firmly. He leaves. Then one of the other three disappears. The 'friend' with the 'taxi' is left. He gets into the passenger seat of the car that just appeared. I'm starting to think- this is not good. In the matter of 10 minutes I was in the presence of 5 young black boys. Great. The two that are left don't speak a word of English. They did make it understood that they knew where the Hotel was. We drive. They obviously don't know where they are going. I show them the address. I don't think they can read. They stop at a gas station and I believe they tried to make me pay for gas. I can't understand a word they say. They don't understand a word I'm saying. We leave the gas station with no gas. The gas indicator shows empty. I'm once again thinking not a good sign. I decide to feed the two young boys. Cookies and gum. I think they are happy and will not rob me.

We make it to the Hotel. I give them 5,000 CFA's. They leave my bags on the road.

I'm happy I made it alive and without getting robbed.

Learning of the day: Always carry cookies and gum with you.


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