Lets focus on ME

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

In The Jungle The Mighty Jungle

Sunday we were off to the Amazon Jungle.

Cotocoha Lodge.

I had my own hut. One double bed, one twin. Amazing room! Right in front of the Napo river.

There is no electricity in the huts- they give you kerosene lanterns around 5:30 pm so you can see.

The first afternoon we walked to see a local community, how they live, what they eat and what the medicine man grows. The afternoon ended with a soccer game. Gingo's against the locals. Funny to watch!

I left a lantern on in the bathroom the first night. The second night I decided to give both lanterns back. BIG mistake. It was pitch dark. I was a bit scared. Made me wonder what was crawling around in my room.

The next day we headed off by canoe to walk in the jungle. We had quite the hike to another waterfall. Everyone jumped in the cold cold water once we got there. I just hung out - water is not something I need to jump into.

We jumped into the canoe again and stopped in this small port to see some monkeys. This is where we all saw one monkey give a dog a blow job. Very funny.

The ride back in the canoe was a bit choppy and dark. Scary.

Great day in the jungle!


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