Lets focus on ME

Friday, November 30, 2007

Is the Party Almost Over


Life is a laugh.

More Books

Ongoing list of suggested reading:

  • Marching Powder
  • The Power of the Dog
  • The Glass Castle: A Memoir
  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower

I Love Books

I spent most of the afternoon today at Indigo books.

Going to bookstores is such a high for me!

I love to wonder around ...up and down the aisles...stopping every few minutes to check out a new book.........it's such a wonderful world in there.

Going to the library doesn't have quite the same feeling. It's still good but not as great as the bookstore with the new books.

The purchased books at the store are the ones that people actually want to make part of their home.

Books say so much about their owner.

Recommended Movies

I seem to have an ongoing list of movies I need to rent.

These movies were recommended by various people as we discuss good film:
  • Babet's Feast
  • Ordinary People
  • Death Proof
  • Party Monster
  • Liquid Sky
  • The Egnima of Kasper Hauser
  • Down By Law

My on-going blog list so I can get rid of all my posty notes!

It's also a good list to take with me when I buy all the counterfeit movies I plan to purchase overseas in good ol' Thailand.

Got to love the free world!

Garbage Bag Experiment

I've always had a hard time sleeping thru the night.

Tonights experiment is to cover the bedroom window with dark green garbage bags.

I've taped them over the venetians using painters tape. Classy.

If this works, I'm going to get deep dark red velvet curtains to go over the blinds.

I don't like to be in really dark rooms......but if this is going to help me....I'll have to get over it.

I need to grow up and not be scared of the dark.

This could also be the excuse I need to pimp up my bedroom!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Fat or Lean

I read this while ordering a martini at Earls......

"Drinking doesn't make you fat. It makes you lean.........against bars, tables, chairs and poles."

Kind of true.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Buy Buy Buy

'The only time to buy these is on a day with no 'y' in it" .....Warren Buffet

How did this financial expert know this comment he made on STOCKS also applies to SHOES!!!!

Internet and Me

I google just about everything!

1. Real Estate (to help G & M find a condo)
2. Tourist Visa's (to get my passport in order for my next trip)
3. Health Issues (to see what I need to do before I take off)
4. Small Business Planning (to get K started on her great idea)
5. Music Lyrics & videos (to keep me in the know)
6. Currency Converter (a definite must know)

The list is much much longer............

What else I can say........

Internet rocks!

Plain or Colored Money

I wonder if other countries in the world are going to now start accepting our Canadian paper money. The colored one.

It would make sense seeing as it's worth more than the US dollar.

So great to see :)

Monday, November 19, 2007

Cleaning Out the Closets

It seems like I'm always decluttering my materialistic life.

Simplifying and getting rid of 'stuff' I don't need is my goal.

It always seems to be the goal.

Maybe one of the articles I just read on this is really true...

"The underlying problem is not procrastination, it's that dealing with clutter means dealing with our own difficult emotions:

Getting rid of clothes we'll never fit into again means accepting our current shape and level (or lack) of fitness.
Getting rid of an expensive item we never use means admitting that we made a poor decision when we bought it.
Getting rid of books and magazines we don't have time to read means accepting that we will never have enough time or attention to explore every topic that's of interest to us. "

Just get me going with a few empty garbage bags!!!

Oh Happy Day

I knew when the doorbell rang today that it was my mailman delivering my RENEWED Canada passport!!!

Yippeee............I'm good to go now until 2012!

I do often question why Canadian passports are only good for 5 years when most other countries have a 10 year expiry......

I took the time to google it and even found a you tube entry where one person questions this very same thing. He advises anyone that is watching to get in touch with their Federal representative.

I might have to add this to my 'to do' list.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Comics, Sins and Me

I've never been much into comic books....so watching a movie adaption of one where I had absolutely no idea what it was about....was quite the experience!

I picked 'Sin City' as my first.

I'd seen some trailers for this movie when it first came out and thought this was a pretty cool style of a movie. My taste.

WOW!!!! It was amazing.

Loved it!


Blue or Red Life

I noticed that the Matrix was on TV last night, so I made a point of watching it....remembering a few parts of it from when it first came out in 1999.

Got me thinking to which pill my friends would choose.

I think most would pick the red pill.

That would absolutely be my pick.


Monday, November 12, 2007

Lenny and Grey Cups

Lenny Kravitz is playing at half time.

Sunday November 25th.

Can life get any better?


Doing It Again

I hang out at bookstores a lot.

I really like going there. Especially now that they have Starbucks in the larger ones.

I often see stuff and then jot it down...word by word.

Sometimes it makes it into my blog. Oops.

Like this..........author "Maryanne Radmacher"

Live with intention.
Walk to the edge.
Listen hard.
Practice wellness.
Play with abandon.
Choose with no regret.
Continue to learn.
Appreciate your friends.
Do what you love.
Live as if this is all there is.

I hope I don't get arrested. (My add on....not from Maryanne)

Oops Maybe I Will Do It Again


To avoid passing off the author's viewpoint as your own, or to let it stand as a substitute for your own, you must first acknowledge the author.

Being able to paraphrase, or summarize, an author's viewpoint without resorting to direct quotations is valued.

Remember, when paraphrasing, even though the words are yours, the idea belongs to someone else who must be given credit; failing to do so is plagiarism.

Direct copying of words or phrases without using quotation marks — even if the source is cited — is plagiarism too.

(oh...I wonder if this cut and paste is also what they are talking about?)

Written Communication

I can proudly say I am ALMOST current on all my personal correspondence.

You've got to love email...........but boy it can add up!

I still enjoy sending cards in the mail but I don't think many people post stuff anymore.

Canada Post loves ol' fashion me.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Lotteries and Disappointment

Me no win.

I need to get a job.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Lotteries and Goals

They say that you should always write down your goals.

My goal is to win the big 35 million dollar lottery that will be drawn tonight.

I have TWO tickets. One I picked the numbers and one is a quick pick.




Sunday, November 04, 2007

Multi-Personalities... Caterpillar and Butterfly

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over it became a butterfly.

Frogs and Me

I took another painting class this afternoon. Decorative painting.

I painted 3 frogs on a branch. Hear, See and Speak no evil.

They all looked pretty deformed once I was done.

Good thing the instructor cleaned them up a bit.

I rock as an artist!

The Adventurer

Sagittarius THE ARCHER - the sign of the Adventurer

Sagittarius is born to travel the world and move upwards and outwards.

Naturally gregarious, they love the idea of meeting different people and understanding foreign cultures.

There is also a desire to broaden the mind too, with the possibility of many Sagittarians being life long students.

Their outlook is generally optimistic and there is a distinct lack of concern over the smaller, practical details.

A great sense of humour and a lack of petty mindedness are Sagittarian qualities too.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Canada and Me

What I love about Canada:
  • Our clothing stores actually have sales people that help you when you try on clothes. They are like your own personal stylists....getting you different sizes and making recommendations on what looks good and what doesn't. They even put the clothes you do not purchase back for you.
  • Our restaurants actually give you FREE bread and condiments. No paying for ketchup etc. Ketchup is even free at all fast food restaurants.
  • Most of our grocery stores also give you free plastic bags to put your purchases in...not like most in Europe where you have to pay for them.
  • You don't have to pay to go number 1 or number 2 in Canada.

Enough said.

My Plumber Rocks

There is nothing sweeter than calling your plumber for a house call and getting serviced within 24 hours for free!

Parts and all!

You've got to love that.