Lets focus on ME

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Attention Spans

My first day at the school was a bit misleading in that it looked like there was some sort of structure in the day.

There isn't.

Or.............maybe there is but I have yet to figure out what is going on.

On Thursday two other volunteers that have been working on English with the girls came back from a short vacation. Emily and Anna are sisters that have volunteered for over 2 months. They tried to fill me in on what is going on.

Basically you ....."do whatever..... everyday is different".


I was going to go and help the two of them finish painting the Ganga house (where the girls sleep).....but changed my mind when they told me that they had picked up lice from the girls there. Great.

I think I'll stick to trying to teach some English and math.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that sure is a change of career for you..teaching...
So, are there any discipline problems or simply lice problems? It would be scary if you got those little creatures in your hair. Is your head itchy???

8:22 PM  

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