Lets focus on ME

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Parque Central

I'm not helping out the next few days at Nuestros, as the kids are on a one week vacation, and the teachers are in meetings...........so........I'm just hanging out before my afternoon Spanish class.

I'm up real early, have breakfast, then walk over to the cool internet spot at the De La Fuente square.

While walking here this morning, I quickly stopped at Parque Central to give the 3 little street kids that sell the paper a few gifts. I have no idea what their names are, but I see them every day, bright and early trying to sell those papers. Very dirty kids but consistent in what they do.

I surprised them by opening up this bag I have and just giving them stuff. I gave them a skipping rope, a few pencils, toothbrushes, crayons and some hair bands.

The older one kept reminding me to give her more, for her brothers and sisters at home.

I had to remind her to say GRACIAS!


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