Lets focus on ME

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

San Antonio Aquas Calientes

This is the pueblo I went to this afternoon with my teacher Carmen.

The Spanish School offers tours, and she thought this would be a good one for me to attend... and it was!

There were 5 other students and a Spanish guide.

We boarded the chicken bus "Santafe¨ at about 2:30. It cost 2.50Q per person (less than .50). You just grab a seat and listen to the really loud music. The driver does not collect the money. They have another person working with him, that stands at the open front door and walks down the aisle to collect. He even makes change!

What a crazy 20 minute ride! Fast and dangerous.

The tour was at a building that had one big room and a kitchen. The big room had a lot of local merchandise hanging that you could buy. 4 ladies spoke to us in Spanish about their Mayan culture. They showed us how they weave, make tortilla´s and crush the coffee beans for coffee.

We also had a mock wedding of their culture! Ate the tortilla´s and drank coffee.

I was a model, dressed like the mother of the groom. I have pictures, pretty funny!

It was funny how I had to translate some of the Spanish to English for some of the students.

I am NOT getting much practise in speaking Spanish when this happens!

The ladies also taught us a few words in their native language of Cakchiquel...which I already knew one word: matiox (thank you). I learned that word when I was building the stoves.


The tour cost 10Q´s each..........I gave her 20Q´s...as we had spent a good 2 hours there!

Our ride home was with chicken bus ¨Ruiz¨....a much calmer ride home.

I love the Mayan people.


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