Lets focus on ME

Saturday, September 30, 2006

My Roommate Yolanda

As mentioned prior, here is Yolanda's own blog section. She wants to use this as her own diary of the trip- so I will comment on a few of her talents.

Yolanda happens to live in my neighbourhood. Actually, just down the alley from me. I found this out at our packing party for Guatemala. It was at her house. Pretty funny.

She happens to be Spanish (from Spain) and the language came easy to her. So did a lot of other things- such us:
  • Prayer person. After we finished installing the 2 stoves for the family- there was this "blessing" Yolanda would say in Spanish. Teresa often translated in the Mayan language. They are very religious here. Let me remind you that this was NOT written by Yolanda.
  • Translator. In spanish of course. She also did this at an Italian restaurant we went to when no one could read the menu. Funny how I did not get asked- and I'm Italian.
  • Doralookalike. Yes, I believe this is what scared poor little Maria. Not the doll so much, but how it looked like Yolanda the person gifting it to the little girl.
  • Tool manager. A job she was assigned to on our building project, yet one she totally ignored. Wasn't it Stephanie that wrecked her knee carrying the bag?
  • Flight attendant. This came in handy when she had to close the airplane door. Also, when she had to move the curtain to speak to the pilot about our 3 passengers not on the plane.
  • Climber expert. Yolanda loves to rock climb and overall do dangerous stuff. Her tips on staying low to the ground when climbing or coming down assisted a very scared person on her team. She also gave useful tips on the reflection of the sun on the rocks. Keep hands below eyes not above.
  • Backpack assistant. Yes, she also assisted in closing packs the way they should be closed.
  • Drug dealer/consulant. This came in handy with her 50% rule. Take this and you will feel 50% better. Take this and you will feel another 50% better than the other 50%. You get my drift.
  • Wake up alarmist. She had a handy watch that she could set on when to get up. This failed on one occasion when she was hallucinating.
  • Sandwich expert. Cheese and avocado's. Her handy utility knife almost matched the Leatherman. She often planned her day around food.
  • Songwriter/singer. Yolanda got a little carried away with our skit. Having way too much fun singing "Here in Guatemala......."
  • Proofessional photographer. Some great pictures were taken with her film camera. Testing had to be done to ensure film was still good.
  • Fleece promoter. Even in Tikal when it was hot.
  • Sleep master. She would just close her eyes and be asleep.

We had a lot of very funny moments. Two that stand out in particular and won't mean much to anyone but us:

1. Mercedes telling us how old she was. Yolanda commenting " I thought she was my ELDER not my PEER!"

2. Mauricio driving on a narrow road while a big semi truck was coming for us. Mauricio commenting " I think I must do something."

Yolanda laughed at everything and everyone. She ate, slept and climbed her way around Guatemala. A very fit and thin person who never got sick .

What a crazy but great roommate I had!


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