Lets focus on ME

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Anti-Social Me

Here I am in Bangkok.....all by myself....and really enjoying it. I need my space.

Well....this morning...just before my massage course....I hear tapping on the glass windows and two people are pointing at me.

It turns out to be this couple that I met at the Tibetan cooking class in Dharamsala! I can't remember their names. She has blond dreads (really bad job) and he has a big tongue ring that makes him lisp his words (why he has one is beyond me when it messes with his speech).

This also happened to me in Dharamsala when I was walking down the road on my own and hear two people screaming "Bella" "Bella".

I'm thinking who knows me here. Is it His Holiness the Dala Lama?

Nope....turns out to be Emily and Jason. I volunteered with them in Jaipur. They were travelling up North to escape the heat.

It really is a small world.


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