Lets focus on ME

Thursday, January 10, 2008

I Hate Monkeys

What can I say about those ugly little creatures other than I hate monkeys.

My last vivid experience with them was in Cambodia when Olivia was bit by one and we had to rush over for rabie shots.

Remembering this caused me to be a bit apprehensive while we were visiting the 'Monkey Temple'.

Noone in my group wanted to believe me on how DANGEROUS these freaks of the world are.

Well.....here we are..... watching all the small little monkeys swinging from trees.... "oh....how cute" ...."are you sure you know what you are talking about" ...directed at me of course.

I stick to my story.

Not even 15 minutes go by and EVERYONE was screaming and running from the monkeys.

It started with one of them coming for me when they saw me with a plastic bag. I screamed and threw what was in there in the air. The red faced monkey went for it. This caused all the others to start circling around us for food. They wanted banana's...that the banana boy was selling. How convenient. Bunditto bought some and started throwing them at them to get them off our backs.

I can safely report that the Aussies now believe the Canadian.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are such a good story teller, Is - I'm laughing so much at the image of the monkey riot I'm afraid I might pee my pants right here at my desk...!!!!


7:14 AM  

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