Is the Party Almost Over
Life is a laugh.
Ongoing list of suggested reading:
I spent most of the afternoon today at Indigo books.
I seem to have an ongoing list of movies I need to rent.
My on-going blog list so I can get rid of all my posty notes!
It's also a good list to take with me when I buy all the counterfeit movies I plan to purchase overseas in good ol' Thailand.
Got to love the free world!
I've always had a hard time sleeping thru the night.
I read this while ordering a martini at Earls......
'The only time to buy these is on a day with no 'y' in it" .....Warren Buffet
I google just about everything!
I wonder if other countries in the world are going to now start accepting our Canadian paper money. The colored one.
It seems like I'm always decluttering my materialistic life.
Simplifying and getting rid of 'stuff' I don't need is my goal.
It always seems to be the goal.
Maybe one of the articles I just read on this is really true...
"The underlying problem is not procrastination, it's that dealing with clutter means dealing with our own difficult emotions:
Getting rid of clothes we'll never fit into again means accepting our current shape and level (or lack) of fitness.
Getting rid of an expensive item we never use means admitting that we made a poor decision when we bought it.
Getting rid of books and magazines we don't have time to read means accepting that we will never have enough time or attention to explore every topic that's of interest to us. "
I knew when the doorbell rang today that it was my mailman delivering my RENEWED Canada passport!!!
I've never been much into comic watching a movie adaption of one where I had absolutely no idea what it was about....was quite the experience!
I noticed that the Matrix was on TV last night, so I made a point of watching it....remembering a few parts of it from when it first came out in 1999.
Lenny Kravitz is playing at half time.
I hang out at bookstores a lot.
I can proudly say I am ALMOST current on all my personal correspondence.
They say that you should always write down your goals.
Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over it became a butterfly.
Sagittarius THE ARCHER - the sign of the Adventurer
What I love about Canada:
Enough said.