Lets focus on ME

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Rock Star Status

My flight to Berlin had me changing planes in Milan.... Linate airport.

Talk about feeling a little out of place.

The flight was full and had all beautiful people on it.

It must be fashion week in Milan.

The person checking me in must of felt bad for me...backpack and all....so he had me sitting in row 3 in economy. Yippeee.......almost like first class!

Could this get any better???????


I was personally escorted from this local flight to my international flight by my own flight attendant! Sort of like a child travelling on their own.

WHO CARES........

Noone had to know that I would of never made my connecting flight if I was not personally escorted and jumped all the lines.

I felt like a ROCK STAR!!!

Take that skinny fashion models standing in lines...............


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