Lets focus on ME

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Pub Crawls and Drug Dealers

Berlin was getting better and better.........

I found myself on a pub crawl after just 4 hours in the city! Yippee........

I dragged Mercedes from my hostel with me and we went to party with all the other tourists visiting Berlin.

For only 12 Euros you get to go to 5 cool bars and 1 club entrance. Free beer keg for about 1 hour and free shots to start the night. You also got free shots when you ordered drinks in the bars.


I meet tons of people. ...and I also lost tons of people.

This happened when I was sitting with this depressed Jewish guy. I was listening to his story when I looked up and noticed that I lost all the pub crawlers going to the club.

In trying to find where they went, I happened to find the American drug dealer Tre. Picture a tall ex Britney husband...trying to be black.

I ended up following him to some funky club that had a huge line...but you know what happens when you are with the local drug dealer.....jump the que....no cover......

Life was going great, until Tre decides to buy me a drink. Well........cautious me thought this was a set up. Slipping me a pill in a drink would be very easy.

I'm one smart cookie.

I left without saying goodbye........getting home in the wee hours of the morning.

I love being a ROCK STAR in BERLIN!


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