Lets focus on ME

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Budva and Me

This is a very nice beach resort. Too bad it`s raining today!

We were scheduled for an all-day boat cruise around Boko Kotorsko (Bay of Kotor). I skipped out due to the chopping waters and the yucky weather. Some of the group still went... the others are going tomorrow morning.

I might go to Albania. It`s right next door. Might as well see where all the immigrants to Italy are coming from!

I went exploring Budva all afternoon yesterday. The old town is inside the city walls. Pretty cool place. Very old buildings with narrow and winding roads. Only pedestrians are allowed.

The new town is surrounded by boats and loads of huge yachts. Today I saw this amazing red Ferrari in front of the dock. All the tourists were taking their picture with it. Strategically postioned so you see the car and the yacht!

Supposedly the Russians like to vacation here. I can`t tell who they are. I don`t know any Russians. Only what I see on TV.

I picture them big.


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