Lets focus on ME

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Rude Begging

So far my experience with the Indian people has been that I find a lot of them very aggressive and rude.

One of the things that really bugs me is these begging women that carry small children and ask you for food. They say "no money" just point to the food vendors and their mouths saying "baby" "baby".

I decided to buy a few loaves of bread yesterday morning to hand out with some left over food I had. This was the test. Would they appreciate it. Nope. No 'thank you'.....just more pestering and more aggressiveness.

This morning I tested another one....gave her some money just to see what she would say. Nothing. Just more pointing and more pestering.

In Thailand the people were very appreciative of ANYTHING you gave them.

Here so far they aren't.

I really think it has to do with being in this big city...Delhi...

Hopefully the Indian people will get much nicer as I tour other spots.


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