Lets focus on ME

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Leave Me ALONE

I made some serious errors yesterday morning....my first day in Delhi.

I was nice and polite to people.

Within the first hour I had some very aggressive men stalking me. It was insane!

Now....I understand when it's business and you are trying to rip off the tourist by overcharging them.............but when you downright lie and trick people...that's a big NO NO in my books.

I've learnt to not look ANYONE in the eye.......look down and YELL 'NO'....'LEAVE ME ALONE'. The simple thing to do is be very very rude and just as aggressive.

I am now NOT being driven by tuk tuk to the wrong place and then re-directed by other people...still to the wrong place to be upsold or sold on something I'm not interested in.

I also do not need to get in the middle of two men fighting over who's 'job' I am.......explaining to the tourist police what just happened.

It's been a tough go travelling solo as a women in this country so far. I feel safe due to the number of people on the street....but due to all the men (surely a good 200 or so for every 1 women I see)....it's been crazy with them all staring and trying to talk to me.

The only place I've ever seen anything so crazy was in Cairo.

Good thing I'm a bitch.


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