Lets focus on ME

Friday, August 25, 2006

Kinko's or Kinky?

This morning while I was at Kinko's using their computer for the print service they offer, I see this shady looking guy sitting a few computers away from me. He kept looking side to side to see if there was anyone coming up behind him and when someone did, he would change his computer screen. Well.........this got me thinking....what is he hiding? So of course, I kept looking his way, until I saw what he was TRYING to hide. Porn! Very disturbing triple XXX rated stuff. AND...he was printing it to the color printer!!

Usually I mind my own business when it comes to sicko's, but this morning I felt very brave. As I was paying at the till, I whispered to the cashier "Do you monitor what people do in here?", she answered, "No, not really". I then whispered back that the fellow in the back was using Kinko's computer for triple XXX rated stuff and printing the photo's on their printer. I paid and left.

Just call me a concerned citizen........


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