Lets focus on ME

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Four Hour Luxury Train Trip

Our group left Delhi early in the morning to take an express train to the city of Kalka for our next train trip on the toy train.

This express train was the best!
  • Air-conditioned
  • Free litre of water
  • Free breakfast
  • Free tea
  • Free newspaper

AND..........I meet several local people on the train that made the time go super fast!

  • A Professor that knew something about everything. He started talking to me when he noticed I was reading up on the six sigma stamina.
  • This same Professor can also read palms. We had a circle of Indians around us when he was doing this. I told him I am a non-believer so I didn't get him to read my palm. He did tell me he can do a birth chart for me if I send him my exact time of birth. I might do this if I find someone that can tell me this.
  • A family that was travelling with their mother-in-law. She was a diabetic who was getting advice from the Professor on how to control this without prescription drugs.
  • This same family is being supported by the one young man that has several silver stores. They were travelling with their 'servants'. I hate that term.


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