Lets focus on ME

Monday, May 12, 2008

Flying High

I was scheduled to take a mountain flight on one of those small planes (16 seater) the day before I left Kathmandu...............however..............the olympic torch put a damper on my morning.

Here I was...up at the crack of dawn....4:30 am.....so I could get to the airport prior to 6:00 am for this 45 minute flight.

Buddha Air...$156.00 USD for the "I did not climb Mr Everest...but touched it with my heart!" once-in-a-lifetime experience. The flight takes you over all these gigantic mountains- with the most popular of course being Mt Everest at 8,848 meters.

I get to the airport and patiently wait....as they always do a pre-flight to make sure all the mountains are visible with good weather....to find out that there is a 99% chance that the flight would be cancelled. Not because of bad weather...but because of the olympic torch!

The olympic torch was making it's way over to China and they had a no flying zone over the mountains I was going to fly over. Great.

Good thing I had the next morning to do this.

May 9th was the day that Bella saw Mt Everest and all the other amazing mountains from up high.

They were just sticking out on top of the clouds. The clouds looking like big cotton puffs.



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