Lets focus on ME

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Lime Green and Me

I've noticed that I've been purchasing a lot of lime green stuff....towels, bed linen, runners and clothing.

This is a pretty bright color so I was wondering why I was being drawn to it of late...especially when I'm NOT a green color fan...especially in clothing.

Of course....the internet explains all things in life so I had to search for the meaning......

The Meaning of the Color Lime Green 4th Chakra - Anahata - Heart
Element - Earth
Possibilities, Perception & Anticipation
Heart Chakra Stones - A wonderful sense of anticipation at all the possibilities and opportunities the world offers.
Allows us to be perceptive and non judgmental. This color inspires us to try new things by initiating change.

Life and Renewal: Green is life. Abundant in nature, green signifies growth, renewal, health, and environment.

Nature of Green: Green is a restful color with some of the same calming attributes of blue. Like blue, time moves faster in a green room.


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