Lets focus on ME

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Coke and Naughty Drug Dogs

My flight from Amsterdam to Toronto on Thursday was uneventful...other than I had another fine to pay with Air Transat......AND...the plane was pretty full. It was a boring eight hour flight. Good thing Monica packed a lunch for me. The only thing that was confiscated was the coca-cola.

Once at the Toronto airport and while standing in line at customs to show passports, the usual 2 police officers are there with the big drug dogs.

It was pretty funny this time as you could tell that the one dog was recently trained and all it wanted to do was play. The GUY police gave up and asked his collegue...a WOMEN...to help him out.

She solved all this by getting another dog to sniff us all.

Women can do anything!


Blogger Steve Eynon said...

Women can do anything eh? But I thought you said the dog did all the sniffing?

3:45 PM  

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