Lets focus on ME

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Italian Mothers

I continue to be shocked on what Italian mothers do for their sons here in Italy.

First of all, you have to remember that the sons stay at home until they get married. You will often see them in their 20's still at home.....and....after what I've been seeing...why not?

This is what the mothers do:
  • Provide a wake up call to the MALE adult living in their home by knocking on their bedroom door.
  • Provide breakfast if the MALE adult wants something to eat....whatever they want.
  • Clean up the MALE adult's bedroom. Make their bed. Pick up clothes. Dust.
  • Provide laundry service to the MALE adult. Wash. Fold. Iron.
  • Provide lunch service to the MALE adult.
  • Provide dinner service to the MALE adult.

From my obserations, there really is no difference in a mother taking care of their MALE newborn or a MALE adult SON.

Minus the breast feeding and diaper changing.


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