Who We Are

Dave Hat is our driver. He has been working for Dragoman for 2 years. Always wears a hat...thus the name. Dave is British.
Aimar is co-driver/mechanic. He's been live with Dragoman for 1 month. Just finished training in England for 3 months. Aimar is from Spain.
Sexy Cameron. Dragoman Overland TRUCK. Never call her a 'bus'. She hates this verbal abuse.
Trevor. Secret safe. Never tell people about Trevor or call him by what he really is.
Aimar is co-driver/mechanic. He's been live with Dragoman for 1 month. Just finished training in England for 3 months. Aimar is from Spain.
Sexy Cameron. Dragoman Overland TRUCK. Never call her a 'bus'. She hates this verbal abuse.
Trevor. Secret safe. Never tell people about Trevor or call him by what he really is.
- Mark. British. Early 40's. Chartered Accountant. Loves to gossip and knows everything about everyone. The man to go to. Especially if you want the scoop about other people on other trips.
- Steve. British. Early 30's. IT guy. Very funny. He just wrote a book. Murder mystery. Waiting to get published. He might be making this all up. I'll find out the truth when I stop laughing at what he says.
- Nick. British. Mid 20's. Lawyer. Just got here. Suffering from dehydration right now. He needs to unwind. I think it has something to do with being a lawyer. Wait a few days.
- Richard. Scottish. Mid 20's. Lawyer. Alot of fun. He's been to India so I will have to get some tips from him.
- Dauk. Canadian. Late 30's. Works at Grand & Toy. Chinese.
- Lloyd. Australian. Late 60's. Travelled everywhere. Just finished an expedition in Antartica.
- Chantal & Clemont. Quebecers. Late 50's. Retired teachers. Worked in Africa and Morocco just before retiring.
- Michelle. Irish. Mid 20's. Very shy. Going back to school after her travels.
- Lynne. British. Late 30's. IT gal. Malyasian.
- Sharon. American. Might be the 70 year old on our trip. I haven't really spent much time with her.........even though she was my roommate in Rio for the one night that she got in.
And then of course.....ME!
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