Lets focus on ME

Friday, February 23, 2007

24 Hours Camping

I'm still here....in Paraty!

We left Rio yesterday- Thursday- around 10 am. It took us about 5 hours with a few stops on the way.

This campsite reminds me of the only times I have been camping in Holland.....Lowlands Festival.

It is FULL of overland trucks. Dragoman. Tucan Travel. Budget Expedition. Kimuka. Bukima. Most of these are from England, but some also from New Zealand.

I was so surprized this type of travel is so popular.

All the trucks have names....Bernie, Gus, Swampy, Papa 5 to name just a few.

These trucks are surrounded by at least 10 to 12 tents each and you hear all sorts of music around you.

WOW I'm thinking. I'm going to like this thing they call camping.

The facilities at this site are at least 10 cement sinks to hand wash your clothing, showers and toilets. There is also a little store you can buy water from....although you are only about a 10 minute walk to another mini-market or the town of Paraty across the bridge.

It was extremely hot when we got here.........very sunny and at least 30 celcius.

I'm glad to say that I paid attention to the "How to put up a tent" demonstration, and managed to put up my own tent all by myself. Yipee!!

Hard labour when it is so hot out and you have to wear clothing.

It was totally unbearable in there that late in the day....around 6 pm....that I'm thinking this is going to be a really rough night.

Good thing the group had voted to go into town our first night and have a very nice dinner.

And off we went........

"Paraty’s whole existence was based on shipping gold mined from further inland Brazil . Walking those streets is like entering a time capsule. The huge cobblestones were ballast from the ships coming to load up gold. Slaves also pounded them into place, at least the ones who were not mining.Today, horse-drawn carts are still the only vehicles allowed on those cobblestones in the historic district. The colonial buildings and streets are very much intact.

Today the visitors still come from far away but for the beauty and serenity of the Costa Verde. Hundreds of beaches and islands draw those looking for one of the world’s best ocean destinations.The Atlantic Rain Forest drapes Paraty’s shoulders. "

Our restaurant was a fancy one and we all had our camping gear on, but so what. There are all sorts of people in this very funky place. The restaurant was a bit expensive, but we all splurged last night so we could also listen to live Brazilian music. The bill also relected a 7 Reias charge for each person for this entertainment. Well worth it!

We got back to camp around 11ish, and everyone made their way to the tents as they were very tired.

I thought I was tired also, until all the insane music and loud people kept me up all night.

Does ANYONE sleep when they camp?

Why don't earplugs really really work?

Why didn't I buy a sleeping sack when I was buying gear for the cold and not thinking about heat?

I should of just joined in the party instead of having these questions race through my mind as I laid there listening to everyone having fun around me.

I did love the morning sounds when the camp was quite.

I believe that would be at 4:45 to 5:15 am.

I like camping at that quiet time.


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