Lets focus on ME

Monday, October 23, 2006

Fin de Espanol Escuela

This afternoon was my last class of Spanish.

Total of 50 hours. Cost aprx $200.00 USD.

Did I learn anything? Yes.

I understand a bit better and have learned a few more nouns.

Verbs were difficult for me, so I asked the teacher to delay teaching them to me.

You need verbs to make a phrase that makes sense.

I still would need classes to do this and I plan to continue taking Spanish on my own via books and tapes back home.

I also need to find more Spanish friends so I can practise speaking it!

I love the Spanish language.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

So happy to read your comments. You have such a writing gift! I feel like I'm there. So glad to hear that all is well and you're having fun. Can't wait to hear more.

2:54 PM  

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