Lets focus on ME

Sunday, April 13, 2008


I called up Monty on Saturday...this one guy I met at Ladli...tour leader with Intrepid... to take Candice & I out dancing. He lives in Jaipur.

We met up with him for dinner... then headed over to this local bar for a drink.

We drove to the local bar on Monty's motorcycle. All three of us.

That's quite common here.....they load the bikes up if they need to.

The driver is the only one required to wear a helmet.

Candice has not been on a bike here....so I made her go on the back. I rode in the middle. It's safer. I did not want to fall off.

This 5 minute ride turned out to be a bit longer. It was lightning out and I thought we were going to get hit by a bolt....then remembered that being on rubber is supposed to be the safest spot to be in when it's lighting out. I'll have to google that one day....but for now those are my thoughts.

Anyways....we didn't get hit by lightning.....BUT....it started to rain! Super big rain drops and it hit fast. Wow!

Another WOW was that we made it to our location within seconds that this happened.

The threesome laughed our way up the stairs to the local bar.

How cool was that?


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