Penquins, Sea Lions and Killer Whales

The day started out early like usual, all of us tired but excited to be doing something other than driving only.
Patagonia is very flat and large. You donĀ“t see anything for miles and miles.
I had an opportunity to sit on the bench seats on the roof of Cameron and enjoy the view. It was super windy but felt great. I saw a few animals, but nothing too exciting.
I was told that riding up on the trucks/jeeps of an African Safari

We stopped at one spot to see the penquins. Took way too many pictures. This happens with a digital.
Our next stop was at Ponte Norte where we were so lucky to see 2 killer whales swim by. I managed to get a photo, but need to get the short film one of the guys on our trip took. I got so excited that I forgot how to record.
Some of us were hoping that a few of the sea lions on the beach were going to be lunch for them. That would of been so cool to see....though not to happen.
Supposedly this is the only place in the world that the whales will beach themselves.
There is a station at the look out spot that keeps track of the whales that come by. There are 19 of them that frequent the area, identified by their tails. They even have names for the whales. ...all on display on a poster that includes a picture of the whale and sex/name and what their tail looks like.
There were some serious whale watchers there. Some sit there for hours waiting and waiting. We saw them as soon as we got there. How lucky was that?
Some of the group also saw 2 others swim by about 30 minutes later, but they were a bit further away from shore.
We also saw elephant sea lions at another spot.
This is where I was:
I looooove penguins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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